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Preface viii
1 Introduction 1
2 Money, Commerce and Moral Theory 19
3 The Profit-Motive and Morality 65
4 Usury and the Ethics of Interest-Taking 91
5 The Morality of Pricing: Just Prices and Moral Traders 119
6 Money, Commodification and the Corrosion of Value: An
Examination of the Sacred and Intrinsic Value 145
7 Money-Measurement as the Moral Problem 167
8 The Charge of ‘Economic Moralism’: Might the Invisible
Hand Eliminate the Need for a Morality of Money? 188
Epilogue 206
Notes 208
Bibliography 237
Index 248
This project began five years ago, when we came to the realisation that
money itself had not been subject to the kind of critical philosophical
examination that many other social phenomena have enjoyed. It was
written primarily in an old shed on the outskirts of the village of Uralla
with one of us (alternatively) at the keyboard and the other pacing up
and down. The tone of the book reflects in many ways the environment
in which it was written.
We would like to thank our respective colleagues in the Philosophy
Discipline at the University of New England and at the Centre for
Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne
for encouragement and support. We are especially grateful to Peter
Forrest, Anthony Fisher, Rutger Claasen, Constant Mews, Matthew
Maxwell and Graham Maddox for their helpful comments on the earlier
versions of the manuscript. Any mistakes or infelicities are, of course,
entirely of our own making. We are grateful to Philosophy and the
Australasian Journal of Philosophy for allowing us to make use of material
which was previously published in their issues. We would also like
to thank the editorial staff at Palgrave Macmillan, in particular Dan
Bunyard,Melanie Blair and Priyanka Pathak, for their assistance in bringing
the project to realisation. Finally, we would like to thank our families
and partners for their understanding and patience whilst we have been
engaged in this work.
Adrian Walsh and Tony Lynch